
The Trainers’ Handbook is intended to facilitate the effective design and roll-out of short courses/trainings on e-government for women’s empowerment and gender equality, based on the EGOV4WOMEN Online Toolkit for policymakers in the Asia- Pacific.

The EGOV4WOMEN Online Toolkit comprises a set of 5 training modules:

Module 1. Gender, governance and e-government

Module 2. Gender-responsive e-service delivery

Module 3. Gender-responsive e-participation

Module 4. Gender-responsive connectivity architecture

Module 5. Assessing gender-responsiveness of e-government systems

This Handbook is primarily targeted at faculty members and trainers of public administration training institutes at the regional, national and sub-national levels. It seeks to explain how the EGOV4WOMEN Online Toolkit can be adapted to add value to their existing initiatives in building e-government related capacity of senior and mid-level policymakers. In specific, courses/trainings in the domains of e-service delivery design, participatory e-government, inclusive ICT policy and programming. This resource will be particularly useful for users who have a strong grounding in participatory training methodologies and familiarity with resource material in the gender and ICTs domain, such as http://www.unapcict.org/ ecohub/resources/browse-resources/gender.

This Handbook covers two aspects:

  • Custom-design of courses that integrate key insights from one or more modules of the EGOV4WOMEN Online Toolkit, taking into account differences in target group profile and training duration.
  • Module-specific suggestions on classroom exercises and activities to enhance learning outcomes.