Annex 3: Stages of e-government description and indicators of the National Computer Centre

Stage UN-ASPA description Indicators


Emerging Web Presence

Serve as a public information source

Provide static information on the government

Find FAQs

Provide contact information

Telephone Numbers

Postal Address

Email Address

Services Offered

Mandate, Organizational Structure, FAQs, Related RAs


Enhanced Web Presence

Provide access to regularly updated specific information

Presence of a central government homepage that may act as a portal to other department sites

Enable downloading of useful documents or ordering online

Enable search features, e-mail and accessible areas for comments

Updated in the past 1. 5 months

Forms are available (html, word, sometimes zip, pdf)

Search function/Site Map

Message Board/Feedback Form

Newsletters or Publications/Purchase Information


Interactive Web Presence

Presence of a national government website that frequently acts as a portal

Enable users to search specialized databases

Enable downloading and submitting forms online

Emergence of secure sites and passwords

Downloadable Forms (pdf, zip)

Specialized Databases

On-Line Forms Submission

Interactive Elements (Chatroom/Forum/Discussion Board)

User Log-in and Password (internal use or public


Transactional Web Presence

Enable users to conduct complete and secure transactions online

Allow users to customize a portal in order to directly access services based on specific needs and priorities

Secure sites

Public Use Log-in and Password (NOT exclusive for internal use)


On-Line Payment

Confirmation of request (e-mail confirmation / acknowledgment receipt)

Display of Security and Privacy Policy


Fully Integrated Web Presence

Provide all services and links through a single portal

No defined demarcation between various agencies and departments

All transactional services offered by government will be available online

All Department Information and Services may be accessed through the Department Portal

Cohesive interface covering all attached agencies, concerned agencies and all services

Frontline Services are fully-transactional online

User may customize his Department Portal page

Search Engine Encompasses attached websites